Fostering a true, deep partnership with parents is a fundamental guiding principle for us. 



Our partnership approach


transparent admissions 

As parents and customers, you deserve a transparent and anxiety-free admissions process.

We follow a painless and transparent admissions process. We clearly communicate our value proposition to you (including what are are NOT), and encourage you to take your time before making a decision. We do not levy any hidden charges.


open communication  

We keep open lines of communication across different channels. You are welcome to contact educators over email or walk in to the school with appointments.

We use mobile apps to keep two-way communication lines open between educators and parents. Further, we periodically send email newsletters & conduct parent workshops to help ensure you get the right quality of support for continuing learning at home.

facilitating learning at home

You are the most important educators in your children’s lives, deeply influencing every aspect of their attitudes, mindsets and habits. We believe that by working together and channeling our efforts in the same direction, learning outcomes can be greatly enhanced. 

In dual-income families, your free time can be limited; using this effectively is paramount. We support you actively by providing relevant, personalised suggestions for fun parent-child activities that can naturally complement learning in school. 

We periodically conduct expert lectures and workshops on themes relating to parenting and child development. You have a standing invitation to these free sessions, and are welcome to bring friends and colleagues.

formal interactions

Jointly setting and reviewing progress goals with students and parents is a cornerstone of our educational program. We periodically meet with you to define goals, agree on learning paths and review growth. These are occasions where we demand compulsory attendance. 

Additionally, we believe that to truly understand our approach, it is invaluable for you to set aside one day every quarter to spend inside the school as an observer.

feedback processes

Relentless innovation is a core value at PEP. We believe that as loyal customers, you are entitled to expect constant improvement in our services. 

We invite you to be actively involved in our formal feedback processes, and also provide channels for you to make ad hoc suggestions.